March 31, 2015

Poisoned Apple


Tutorial written by Marcia Salgado on March 31th, 2015
for those who have a working knowledge of PSP.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental.
Do not copy and paste this tutorial anywhere on the net.
If you want to translate please ask first. 


Tube: "Poisoned Apple" by Paci, you can purchase it at S&Co, here
do not use without the proper #license.
PTU Kit "Mirror Mirror" by Bibi's Collections Scraps,
you can purchase it at S&Co, here
Template: by me, mar2015_template06, here
Font: Janda Elegant Handwriting


--> Remember to save often and use my tag as reference if necessary. Used the Drop Shadow: 1-1-50-5 in most layers. 

1. Open my template. Duplicate and close the original. Image > Canvas size > 600x600 - on top use 250 - Ok. Click on bg layer. Open BIBI-MIRRORMIRROR ELEM (151). Copy and paste as new layer.

2.Open BIBI-MIRRORMIRROR ELEM (89). Resize 50%. Copy and paste as new layer. Move it up. Open BIBI-MIRRORMIRROR ELEM (141). Resize 30%. Move it to left. Open BIBI-MIRRORMIRROR ELEM (130). Copy and paste as new layer. Move it to right. Open BIBI-MIRRORMIRROR ELEM (38). Resize 70%. Copy and paste s new layer. Move it to right, in front of black leaves. Open BIBI-MIRRORMIRROR ELEM (166). Resize 50%. Copy and paste as new layer. Move it to right. 

3. Click on frame bg layer. Select it. Open BIBI-MIRROR MIRROR PAPERS (34). Resize 60%. Copy and paste as new layer. Move it down a little to show the trees in the middle of the frame. Invert selection. Delete. Keep selected. Open BIBI-MIRRORMIRROR ELEM (22). Resize 50%. Copy and paste as new layer. Move it down to better fit inside the frame. Delete. Keep selected.

4. Open your tube and resize if needed. Copy and paste as new layer. Move it to right side of frame. Duplicate and let the copy invisible for now. Click on original tube layer and delete. Deselect. Turn the copy visible again. With the Freehand Selection Tool > Point to Point create a selection around the part of the tube you want to show outside the frame. Invert selection. Delete. Arrange it above the frame layer.

5. This step is optional, only if you will use the same tube. Open BIBI-MIRRORMIRROR ELEM (73). Resize 30%. Copy and paste as new layer. Move it above the spell glow.

6. Click on frame layer. Select inside the frame. Expand > 2. Invert selection. Add a new layer. Drop shadow: 0-0-70-10-Black. Deselect and move this layer below frame layer. Click on frame layer again. Add Noise: Uniform-100-Monochrome. 

7. Open BIBI-MIRRORMIRROR ELEM (239). Resize 70%. Copy and paste as new layer. Move it far right. Open BIBI-MIRRORMIRROR ELEM (29). Resize 32%. Mirror. Copy and paste as new layer. Move it bottom left corner. Open BIBI-MIRRORMIRROR ELEM (37). Resize 40%. Mirror. Copy and paste as new layer. Move it to bottom left corner. Arrange this layer bellow apple layer. 

--> Add your copyright info and license#. Add your name and save it as PNG.